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Showing posts from July, 2010

Bible Puppet

I wanted to experiment with making a Bible puppet. I have made one before, but not like this.  I didn't have a pattern, just looking at some other book and Bible puppets.  Some I've seen have arms, but I didn't think this guy needed them.  I think he looks more like a book this way.  I made him as a gift for a friend, so I will be sending this her way soon.  But it's a surprise! Shhh! This was my first time to die the foam instead of covering it with fabric.  I died it black and then cut my pieces and glued them.  I did use yellow fleece for the fore-edge. I think he turned out pretty cute.  I hope she likes him.

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

We did a parody of this song called "Sanctuarian Rhapsody". It DID get videoed, I'm working on getting a copy to post. Check back soon. In the meantime, enjoy this one. Of course it's excellent! It's the Muppets!

Puppet Show with the PIT Crew

It really stinks to try and blog about puppets with no working camera!!! I have my phone, but it's just not that good for these types of pics.  I'll do the best I can getting a camera soon.  I can't believe I've gone this long without one! I'd love to take more pics as I make puppets and add them on here. Anyway,  Our PIT Crew had a chance to perform a show for a library in a town about an hour away. We had only 3 weeks notice!!! We had to choose songs, choose puppets, get some scripts together and make props, assign roles, learn choreography and lip syncing, memorize scripts and coordinate it all in that 3 week period! Whew! But guess what? My kids are great. They worked hard and we did it! The folks were impressed and want us to come back. I wish I had some video, but that seems to be our downfall too. We are all so busy actually doing the show that we can never get a video of the show. Our show was about friendship and being kind to others, even if they are